Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Getting ready to leave!


The big day is almost here!  Tomorrow I will be going to Nyamata, Rwanda to serve as a Teaching Fellow at the Maranyundo School for girls.

After a month of TESOL classes in San Francisco and about two weeks of farewell events in my honor, I arrived this morning in Virginia to see my family before I leave.  Everything is just about packed, including as many young adult English books and ESL resources as I could fit.  I did a final shopping trip this morning for deodorant, sunscreen and chocolate (you know, the essentials).

Unfortunately, it is currently snowing.  Which may put a cramp in my flight plans.  It is the first time I've had to deal with snow since I  moved to Napa earlier this year and I'm remembering why I hated it so much!  Hopefully everything will stay on schedule tomorrow but all the flights arriving in Norfolk this afternoon and evening were cancelled.

This is a far cry from Rwanda, which currently is experiencing very comfortable and warm weather.  I'm pretty excited for that.

I'd love to share my expectations for what I will learn and experience over the next 9 months but I honestly have no idea what to expect.  I think this blog will be a good way to keep my friends updated while giving me a concrete reason to reflect on what I'm experiencing.  Until then, my new kindle is filled with books, my favorite YouTube videos are downloaded and my chocolate stock is filled.