Sunday, May 25, 2014

Granola in Rwanda!

I spend a good portion of my time reminiscing about the amount of food in the US. The spices! The raw vegetables! The protein! The variety!  So I've been trying to come up with recipes to remind me of home that I can easily do in Rwanda.

However, I realized that with honey, oatmeal, peanuts and a splash of oil I can make minimalist style granola!  My home is abnormal because it has an oven (although with no temperature settings, the dial is simply labeled 1-10), but I made use of it today and it was much more successful than my ill-fated mac and cheese

Peanuts are sold in packages like this for about 75 cents. But for the oatmeal, it is quaker brand! Also super expensive, a canister half the size of the big ones in the US goes for about $4.

I have no idea why honey is so dark here?  This big package was about $2.50. More expensive than sugar. There is no brown sugar here.


  1. Yummy! And a batch can last you for awhile, yes? Unless you get REALLY homesick for US food 😄

    1. In theory it can last a while. But I tend to binge eat it, adding milk and enjoying it for breakfast. Eating it as a snack. Having it for dessert. I gave up bananas since I think I might be having a bit of an allergic reaction to my overconsumption, which are just about the only snack food here, so this is really holding me over.
